martedì 17 settembre 2013

Metal dolls

From this 
Vi ricordate le famose matrioske?
To this... 
Le ho un pò modernizzate :-)
Metal week at, metal forever!! :-)
Adhesive metal foil and lots of patience...Here's the step by step.
Settimana dedicato al metallo su CraftBarn!
Qui il passo passo, fogli adesivi di metallo e un po' di pazienza...
Stop smiling, I know these are funny, in my mind were steam-punked, but I'm afraid these look like little austronauts...Russians, at least!
Nella mia testa dovevano essere steampunk, ma dopo molti molti tentativi, ho lasciato perdere, adesso assomigliano a degli austronati...russi, naturalmente!
This one is sooooo small!
Questa è veramente piccolissima!
All together:
Metal sheet - copper 
Lindsay Mason clear stamps: Steamed up 
StazOn ink pad - Jet Black

I participate on "Simonsaysmondaychallengeblog", this week it's about 'Stamping on anything but plain paper and  Sandee and Amelie: Steampunk Challenges : Dolls 'n Robots.

And new letter for the Alpha Challenge: G, like Gentleman.
Nuova lettera per il mio dizionario alterato, la lettera è G, come Gentiluomo:

29 commenti:

Marina Spada ha detto...

Cara Gio,
le tue matriosche metallare sono troppo carine!
Ma come ti vengono certe idee?
Sei sempre più avanti.
Un bacione,

Roberta ha detto...

Nuova versione spaziale delle Matrioske! La mia preferita è quella con gli spuntoni in testa.

Enri ha detto...

ma sono fenomenali!!!

Dawn ha detto...

Awe Gio your dolls are adorable, what a fantastic makeover sweetie, lol I would definitely not have the patience ha ha ha.
I love your alpha page too, beautifully done. I think true gentlemen are very far and few between, a rarity yes but some do still exist thankfully.
Huge hugs lovely lady x x x x

Sam & Poppy ha detto...

So cool Gio and totally orginal! Loving your egg box on your previous post too, I would love an egg box like that!
Big hugs from Poppy and me xxx

barbarayaya62 ha detto...

Le adoro tutte e tre! CAvoli sei veramente vulcanica! Sono troppo d'accordo col tuo dizionario!!!!!!!! Barbarayaya

Words and Pictures ha detto...

They are wonderful, Gio - I agree they look like Russian astronauts! They'd also fit perfectly in Sandee and Amelie's Steampunk Challenge this month which is Dolls and Robots!
Alison xx

Anonimo ha detto...

Bravo Gio
This is fun and so quirky and very clever - another amazing alteration.

Brenda Brown ha detto...

Such fun Gio and what patience to alter these dolls. Love them.
hugs {brenda} x0x

Dana Tatar ha detto...

What a fun project idea! I love the metal work!

Candy C ha detto...'ve done it again! :) I so love your creativity! Transforming these little wooden nested dolls into little metallic wonders is a wonderful way of giving them a new life! :) They are all so adorable! Thanks for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. <3 Candy

Claudia N. ha detto...

Absolutely brilliantly creative! LOVE your steampunk Babooshkas so much! Especially mom looks awesome wearing that beautiful top hat! I love your idea AND how you executed it too! Very, very artful and wonderfully "unusual"!!!

Thank you so much for sharing it with us at SanDee&amelie's Steampunk challenges!!!

die amelie xx

Netty ha detto...

terrific alterations Gio, x

Julie Lee ha detto...

What an amazing idea! I would never have thought of doing that, but they do make me smile! Julie Ann xx

Silvia(Barnie) ha detto...

So cool, your dolls are fantastic, also love your dictionary pages.

Cocofolies ha detto...

Wow, FABULOUS !!! All, including your AJ page with a recall of this awesome hat... YUM-YUM, I think the wifes of Russian Astronauts are the happiest women LOL !! :))) Bises, Coco

nefertiti ha detto...

Fun and original dolls!!! and other great idea Gio!!!!!!
and your dictionnary pages is lovely!!

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao Gio le tue matriosche sono veramente carine, mi piace la piccolina!!! brava!!!

Scrapmate ha detto...

Gio, these Russian dolls are sooooo cute. I love what you've done with them and I love the fact that you are not always too serious about the art you do. Your G pages are great too !

Claudine ha detto...

Haha! I just love these little dolls (astronauts) they are great!

Dianne ha detto...

Hello Miss Gio, BRILLIANT, you are sooooo creative fantastic job transforming those dolls and I loooooove your Gentleman page, I think there are some out there somewhere:O)..

Michelle ha detto...

I adore your little dolls! So fun and creative! The middle one is my favorite. I love the spikey little head. :) Thank you for joining us this week for the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge, "Stamping on anything but plain paper". ~Michelle

Andrea Ockey Parr ha detto...

What an absolutely unique project! I would've never thought to cover nesting dolls with metal foil! You are so creative with this idea and I really love you made these your own by this technique. Very clever and I'm glad that you shared your talents with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

Elly ha detto...

This is funny.I never really knew what to do with these little fellas as i was a child but if i see them now covered up in foil, they make sense. They have a touch of frosty innuits now. Brilliant (:o)

maj. ha detto...

oh WOW what beautiful artwork, Gio!!!

Neet ha detto...

These are absolutely fabulous!
Hugs, Neet xx

Neet ha detto...

Love those doll remakes. I have that same set but as my mother bought it me (and she has since passed) I fear I cannot alter them but if I ever find some more in a charity shop guess what? yes, I will be buying them.
Hugs, neet xx

LindaS ha detto...

Cool genius and wonderful dolls.
Great take on the letter - colors and pattern but the text keeps me smiling.

~*~Patty S ha detto...

Your dolls are too too fun and wonderful!


Great steampunk pages too!